Sunday, December 20, 2009

troubled year

troubles and worries seem to be stacking up alot,
this year itself put more than enough of worries in my mind.

well it started off with my car accident,
thank god no one was hurt

then things got better after that for sure.

i had great times spent
good memories to remember

but right now,
everything seems to be wrong.
my mom is getting an operation on tuesday.
and lets pray she'll be fine after that.

sometimes i feel like running away,
but doing that does not solve anything.
i've spent sleepless nights thinking on how and what should i do?
was what i did a right or wrong move?

and i always come up with no solutions,

i always wonder if things can get better?
or will it just vanish and things will just be different

will things fall back into place
or fall into pieces that could never be put back together?

the only thing i could do is convince myself
things would be better
things are great
be happy

but as long as i can do it
i still have a limit to it
you always ask if we have problems
you always tried to make us open up to you
of course we have problems,
its only that we dare not open to you

putting a fake smile and being genuinely happy
its easy
going through it
its hard
even tho its hard,
but i do it so you dont worry about me
you worry for us so much you don't even take care of yourself
i tried convincing you that you'll be fine
so believe me

hope you'll be perfectly fine after your operation

till then,
i guess its hard to blog the way i use too
so there will be no more posting from me

but my good friend joel will blog
if he has the time,

cheers readers,
god bless you all

Thursday, December 3, 2009

boredom is not a motivation to blog

current status : bored
future status : bored
past status : bored

as almost of all you know, im currently in JB
which means im bored,
i was suppose to work for my mom

but i guess it didnt work out..


simply because i refuse to wake up early as well as the metal tooth..

my mom told me that she wants to go back to KL on sunday
she said drive down ok?
i said np!
but once im down there i wont come back here
and she was ok lor..

simple conversation,
im sorry mom...

i really cant take the life in JB
it is so boring
i have nothing to do here
plus the internet went down and all i have is my joke book

but thank god,
in malaysia!

we have starbucks!!
and thank starbucks for its free wifi,

all u gotta do, is purchase a 10 over ringgit drink and u can use te internet all day long

how cool is tat?

thats all for tonite!

and my lovely baby J,
if u are reading this..

please blog,
get drunk or something..