Monday, December 22, 2008

Fo shizzle ma sizzle hot plate yee mee.

the happening bloggers. Kenny and me.

Hello dear readers,
Since you are NOT happening and we are VERY happening, we will like you to suggest on topics for us to blog about. You can either drop us a comment or just scribble our cbox.
If you have confidence or self esteem issues, you can drop us a comment as anonymous or conjure up with any other creative names you can come up with.

if you are a hater, please follow this easy 6 steps solution.
1) park a car on a stiff slope.
2) place a brick firmly on any one of the back wheels.
3) get to your car and release the hand brake.
4) get down from the car.
5) place your head under the back wheel.
6) release the brick from step 2.

Moving on,
I'm currently doing my internship now.

For this kick ass advertising company, Agenda. I'm currently working under the supervision of my elder sister.

It is located at Mont Kiara, Solaris.

'Solaris is nice place to chillout. It is KL's latest party and dining central. I'm guessing it caters mostly towards those rich yuppy types living in Mont Kiara. But I think a poser like me from Kuching is welcome too.

The crown jewel of the area is SohoKL, a whole new row of cool bars and posh restaurants nice enough to impress a date without breaking your wallet or have her call you "kiam".'

-Kenny Sia,Solaris review-

Well I find the information above as very misleading. The cheapest food i can afford here is a plate of 'Pan Mee' from the only hawker stall in Solaris which is rm6.50. Boy it taste like shieeet. And if i'm paying rm6.50 for a plate of pan mee, my date better be impressed.

This is my working desk, where my 8 hours a day internship will consist of me chatting, listening to music, updating blog, eating, sleeping, making prank calls to my college mates conning them i'm from some big advertising company interested in hiring them.
I would like to said sorry to the con victims- Colin, Ee May, Jolene, Grace, and Shannon

The picture above you will see two grown man playing the Xbox 360. On your right is the married man Albert and on your left is David the creative department guy.

Students are required to hand in a written form of essay at the end of the day of what experience or skills we have gained during our internship.

Experience and skills gained during internship

1) I am in charge of filling up the snacks jar and filling up the refrigerator with food from Cold Storage below. kick ass.

This afternoon, my sister IM-ed me. This is our MSN convo.

josephine says: joel, go make ice coz there is none in the freezer

ah kit @ intership says: okay master.

ah kit @ intership says: eh

ah kit @ intership says: u mean our house or office?

josephine says: like office, hellllllo

ah kit @ intership says: okay master.

2) Became the office official Sega Rally champion and completed Capcom Fighting Evolution in 2weeks. kick ass.

3) Polished up my foosball skills for the upcoming new semester for college. Something quite productive at last. kick ass.

I have nobody to play with because none in my office have any idea what is foosball.

-the end of internship-

Anyway, things are getting better now since the price of petrol is back to RM1.80/L. Everyone is back on the road driving and giving the finger to one and another.

So for survival skills 101 today, I would like to educate the rakyat on the topic 'How to waste petrol since it is cheaper now'

Ways to waste petrol

1) Instead of getting an expensive fierce sports car, get any manual car (proton preferred), and drive it on gear one all the way to your destination. Confirm your engine more fierce than ferrari.

2) Instead of carpooling like we did few months back, we can each have our own individual car (proton preferred) and race all the way to college in gear one.

3) Instead of walking down the street of your house to get a Ramli burger, drive your car (proton preferred) on gear one again all the way to 1U, get a 20bucks burger from Carl's Junior, and proceed driving back on gear one. Thus hitting 2 birds with one stone, waste petrol/money.

4) Or you can T.I-ed it by gas up the jet tonight and take your girlfriend to wherever she liiiiikes.


you know you love us,
gossip boy.

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